To select a folder, rather than just its contents, you may need to go up or back a level to select the whole folder. In the top navigation, select Download. You can also right-click the file, photo, or folder, and select Download. The Download button may sometimes disappear if you refresh the web page while looking at a folder. To work around this, you can go up one level in the folder directory and come back, or close that tab in your browser and navigate to the folder again.
If your browser prompts you, choose Save or Save As and browse to the location where you want to save the download. Some browsers just start saving right away to a Downloads folder on your computer.
You can then delete the OneDrive copy of the file or folder to reduce your storage amount. For more information, see Delete files or folders in OneDrive.
If you're in a folder and you select Download without selecting any files or folders, your browser will begin downloading all contents of the folder. You can't download files directly from the Shared view. You will need to open the file and save a copy in the location of your choice. Temporary Windows installation files may not be present on your PC if you recently used a third-party disk cleaning utility or if you recently performed a clean install of Windows How to search for program installation windows 10?
How to find programmes and features on Windows 10? By default, the music, TV shows, movies, podcasts , and other files that appear in your iTunes library are stored within your user folder in a subfolder:. In the iTunes app on your PC, choose an option Music or Movies, for example from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library.
From now on, new songs and other items you import will be stored in the new location. What Is svchost. Browse All Privacy and Security Articles Browse All Linux Articles Browse All Buying Guides. Best iPhone 13 Pro Case. Best Bluetooth Headphones for Switch. Best Roku TV.
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