This book is a valuable resource for students and psychologists. Statistics for Research in Psychology offers an intuitive approach to statistics based on estimation for interpreting research in psychology. This innovative text covers topic areas in a traditional sequence but gently shifts the focus to an alternative approach using estimation, emphasizing confidence intervals, effect sizes, and practical significance, with the advantages naturally emerging in the process.
Frequent opportunities for practice and step-by-step instructions for using Excel, SPSS, and R in appendices will help readers come away with a better understanding of statistics that will allow them to more effectively evaluate published research and undertake meaningful research of their own.
This sixth edition of Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology has been fully revised and updated, providing students with the most readable and comprehensive survey of research methods, statistical concepts and procedures in psychology today.
Assuming no prior knowledge, this bestselling text takes you through every stage of your research project giving advice on planning and conducting studies, analysing data and writing up reports.
The book provides clear coverage of statistical procedures, and includes everything needed from nominal level tests to multi-factorial ANOVA designs, multiple regression and log linear analysis. New features in the sixth edition include: "Tricky bits" - in-depth notes on the things that students typically have problems with, including common misunderstandings and likely mistakes.
Improved coverage of qualitative methods and analysis, plus updates to Grounded Theory, Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis and Discourse Analysis. A full and recently published journal article using Thematic Analysis, illustrating how articles appear in print. Fully updated online links, offering even more information and useful resources, especially for statistics. Each chapter contains a glossary, key terms and newly integrated exercises, ensuring that key concepts are understood.
A companion website www. This book presents an historical overview of the field--from its development to the present--at an accessible mathematical level.
This edition features two new chapters--one on factor analysis and the other on the rise of ANOVA usage in psychological research. Written for psychology, as well as other social science students, this book introduces the major personalities and their roles in the development of the field.
It provides insight into the disciplines of statistics and experimental design through the examination of the character of its founders and the nature of their views, which were sometimes personal and ideological, rather than objective and scientific. It motivates further study by illustrating the human component of this field, adding dimension to an area that is typically very technical. A unique textbook introducing and demonstrating the use of R in psychology.
Statistics for Psychology Using R comprehensively covers standard statistical methods along with advanced topics such as multivariate techniques, factor analysis, and multiple regression widely used in the field of psychology and other social sciences.
Its innovative structure and pedagogical approach coupled with numerous worked-out examples and self-assessment tests make it a user-friendly and easy-to-understand companion for students and scholars with limited background in statistics. The standout feature of this textbook is that it demonstrates the application of R--a free, flexible, and dynamically changing software for statistical computing and data analysis, which is becoming increasingly popular across social and behavioral sciences.
Focuses on. Experimental Design and Statistics for Psychology. Experimental Design and Statistics for Psychology: A First Course is a concise, straighforward and accessible introduction to the design of psychology experiments and the statistical tests used to make sense of their results. MyStatLab also includes tests, quizzes, eText, a Gradebook, a customizable study plan, and much more. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: Know both definitional and numerical formulas and how to apply them Understand the logic behind each formula Expose students to the latest thinking in statistical theory and application Prepare students to read research articles Learn how to use SPSS.
Share on: Twitter Facebook. This extensively revised and fully updated second edition is designed as a textbook for M. Education , M. Psychology and Sociology and for research students pursuing courses in Statistics related to these subjects. It takes into account the present syllabi of various universities and institutes of education across the country. What's New to the Second Edition : Six new chapters added with empha-sis on advanced statistical concepts and techniques such as the following : - Biserial correlation, point biserial correlation, tetrachoric correlation, phi coefficient, partial and multiple correlation.
Some chapters modified and reshuffled to reflect the new emphasis. Entire text thoroughly checked and marked improvements made to bring the topics uptodate. Skip to content. Statistics for Psychology. Learning Statistics with R. Author : Daniel Navarro Publsiher : Lulu.
Learning Statistics with R Book Review:. Statistics for Psychology Book Review:. Psychology Statistics For Dummies. Statistics in Psychology. Statistics in Psychology Book Review:. Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Author : Bernard C. Beins,Maureen A. Introductory Statistics for Psychology. Introductory Statistics for Psychology Book Review:. Statistics for Research in Psychology. Learning Statistics with R Book Review:. Statistics for Psychology. Statistics for Psychology Book Review:.
Psychology Statistics For Dummies. Statistics in Psychology. Statistics in Psychology Book Review:. Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Author : Bernard C. Beins,Maureen A. Introductory Statistics for Psychology. Introductory Statistics for Psychology Book Review:. Statistics for Research in Psychology. Statistics for Research in Psychology Book Review:. Statistics for Psychology Using R. Author : Vivek M. Belhekar Publsiher : Sage Publications Pvt. Understanding and Using Statistics in Psychology.
Statistical Methods for Psychology. Author : David C. Statistical Methods for Psychology Book Review:. Understanding Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Introduction to Statistics in Psychology.